Chú thích Áp bức

  1. opprobrium in the sense of "contempt or distaste usually mingled with reproach and an implication of inferiority."[1]
  2. This description of authoritarian governments is somewhat simplistic in that it describes the epitome of authoritarianism, i.e., the worst-case scenario, which still exists in some countries today, but has gradually become less prevalent over the last two centuries or so. See the five books cited at the end of this paragraph for a more nuanced discussion. Also see the Wikipedia article, Authoritarianism.
  3. This list of countries is mostly arbitrary, and is meant only to illustrate what is meant by "advanced democracies".
  4. The terms representative democracies, republics, or democratic republics could also be used instead of democracies. The four Wikipedia articles linked to in the previous sentence discuss the similarities and differences between and amongst the four related terms.